// About us

Values and Vision of ADMIE Holdings

The corporate values of ADMIE Holding harmonize and share the values of ADMIE S.A. The top priority of Participations is to gain the trust of the investment public and support the stock, always within the framework set by Corporate Social Responsibility and the triptych Environment-Society-Good Corporate Governance (ESG).

In order to achieve these goals, ADMIE (IPTO) Holding S.A. consistently supports the activities of its affiliated company Independent Electricity Transmission Manager SA which it supervises, as owner of 51% of its share capital. Therefore ADMIE (IPTO) Holding S.A. is committed to always act
in the interest of its shareholders and undertakes the following commitments:

// About us

Our Values

In order to achieve these objectives, ADMIE Holding consistently supports the activities of the Associate Company Independent Transmission Operator of Electricity S.A., which as the holder of 51% of its share capital supervises. ADMIE Holdings is therefore always committed to acting in the interests of its shareholders and undertakes the following commitments.

As owner of a 51% stake in the share capital of the Independent Power Transmission Operator S.A. (IPTO or ADMIE), ADMIE Holding supervises and acts for the benefit of its  shareholders by taking the following commitments:

Our Values

Commitment to the Security of Supply
Ensuring the country’s continuous and uninterrupted electricity supply, fulfilling all quality, safety and efficiency criteria, is our foremost objective which guides all our activities in our capacity as the controlling investor in the Operator of the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System.
Guaranteeing equal and non-discriminatory access to the System for all Users.
Employing procedures of absolute transparency and providing electricity market participants with all information pertinent to the strengthening of market competition.
Performing our duties as Transmission System Operation in the most efficient manner with optimal utilization of all available resources, contributing to national development, serving the public interest and creating value for all our stakeholders.
Sustainable development
Performing our duties according to the principles of sustainable development, under economic, social and environmental terms, contributing to research and development, professional training and skills development of our human resources.